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SER Models
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SER Advantage

Dual Blade Cutter

SER Universal Testing Platform

The SER (Sentmanat Extension Rheometer) Universal Testing Platform built exclusively by Xpansion Instruments was first developed by Dr. Martin Sentmanat in his pioneering work at The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. This novel fixture can transform a conventional steady rotation rheometer into a robust universal test station capable of a broad spectrum of physical material characterization. The SER’s unique patented technology (US Pat. Nos. 6,578,413 & 6,691,569) incorporates dual wind-up drums that allow for a truly uniform extensional deformation during measurement. Although first developed for use in characterizing the physical behavior of polymeric materials in uniaxial extension, this miniature unit is not just limited to extensional rheology applications. It can also be used for solids tensile testing, tear testing, peel testing, as well as high-rate fracture testing. Since it can be accommodated within the environmental chamber of the rotational rheometer host station, the physical properties of melt and solid, filled and unfilled, cured and uncured polymers can be measured over a very wide range of temperatures and kinematic deformations and rates on miniature sample specimens weighing just a few milligrams. Building on the huge success of the original SER-HV and SER2 model lines, the new SER3 model line introduces the lowest torque threshold of any previous SER model. This new SER3 model line of SER Universal Testing Platforms truly represents the new paradigm in physical material characterization technology.

Dual Blade Cutter

The Dual Blade Cutter is a manually actuated cutter assembly that greatly facilitates the SER sample preparation procedure. It can be used to prepare precisely controlled fixed-width specimens of thin gage for the SER Universal Testing Platform or for conventional DMA testing.

The SER Advantage

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